Reports To:
The Chief Engineer,
under the Master's command, as the head of the Engine Department is the senior
engineering staff member in the ship and is responsible to the Master, and
through the Master, to SC 3 (sample) for all the technical aspects of the
ship, its main propulsion and auxiliary machinery and the technical services.
Melapor pada:
Chief Engineer, dibawah pimpinan Master, kepala bagian mesin adalah staff
senior bagian mesin di kapal dan bertanggung jawab kepada Master, dan melalui
Master, ke MT. SC 3(sample) untuk semua aspek teknis dari kapal, mesin
penggeraknya dan mesin bantu serta pelayanan teknis.
In all cases the minimum
qualifications for this position will be in accordance with the relevant
section of STCW as issued by IMO.
Kualifikasi minimum dalam semua bidang untuk posisi ini harus sesuai
dengan pasal yang terkait dari STCW sebagaimana yang dikeluarkan oleh IMO.
Chief Engineer is responsible for the administration, supervision and safe
economical operation of the department and for the operation and maintenance of
the Ship's Safety Management System.
2.The Chief Engineer is responsible for the
maintenance and repairs of all engine, machinery, and equipment in the engine
room and on the deck.
3. The Chief Engineer is to ensure that a safe and
proper engineering watch is kept at all times. In the case of vessels with
automated unmanned engine rooms, this shall be considered to mean that all the
automated alarms and warning devices are properly monitored and attended. The
Chief Engineer is to ensure that watchkeeping arrangements are satisfactory and
adequate to maintain a safe watch. When the Chief Engineer is deciding the
makeup of a watch which may include engine room ratings if appropriate, he/she shall take the following criteria into account:
- The type of the ship;
- The type and condition of the machinery;
- Special modes of operation dictated by conditions such as weather, ice, contaminated water, shallow water, emergency conditions, damage containment or pollution control;
- Qualifications and experience of the personnel making up the watch;
- Safety of the ship, cargo, port and protection of the environment;
- International, national and local regulations;
- Maintenance of the normal operations of the ship.
Tugas dan Tanggung
1.Chief Engineer bertanggung
jawab untuk administrasi, pengawasan dan pengoperasian secara aman dan ekonomis
dari bagiannya dan untuk pengoperasian dan perawatan dari Ship’s Safety
Management System.
2. Chief Engineer bertanggung
jawab untuk perawatan dan perbaikan semua mesin, permesinan, dan peralatan di
kamar mesin dan di deck.
3. Chief Engineer harus
memastikan penjagaan mesin yang layak dan aman setiap saat. Apabila kapal
dengan kamar mesin yang diatur secara otomatis, hal ini dapat berarti bahwa
semua alarm otomatis dan alat peringatan selalu diawasi. Chief Engineer harus
memastikan bahwa pengaturan jaga sudah memuaskan dan layak dalam menjalankan
penjagaan yang aman. Bilamana Chief Engineer memutuskan untuk membuat suatu
sistem jaga harus juga melibatkan awak kapal mesin.
Jika mungkin, dia harus memenuhi kriteria
sebagai berikut:
- Jenis kapal.
- Jenis dan kondisi permesinan.
- Cara pengoperasian khusus yang ditentukan oleh cuaca, es, air yang tercemar, air dangkal, kondisi darurat, mengalami kerusakan atau pengendalian pencemaran;
- Kualifikasi dan pengalaman orang yang membuat dafter jaga;
- Keselamatan kapal, muatan, pelabuhan dan perlindungan lingkungan;
- Peraturan internasional,nasional dan setempat;
- Menjaga pengoperasian yang normal di kapal.
4. The Chief Engineer is responsible for the management
of the engine department personnel and operations, maintenance and repairs of
all machinery and equipment on board the vessel. This includes the planning and
scheduling of work to be carried out by the engine room department personnel
and ensuring that all work performed is done in a safe and seaman like manner.
The Chief Engineer is to allocate personnel to specific work details, such as
the control and management of machinery, equipment, stores, spare parts, tools,
and paper work. This also includes the efficient operation, maintenance and
repair of all machinery and electrical equipment including pumps, valves,
piping, deck machinery, mechanical hatch closing arrangements, refrigeration
machinery, galley and domestic and other equipment as assigned. The
responsibilities in respect of deck machinery and mechanical hatch closing
arrangements are to be coordinated with the Chief Mate. The Chief Engineer
shall personally supervise all work of an unusually hazardous nature and shall
see that all safety precautions are observed.
4.Chief Engineer bertanggung
jawab atas manajemen pengoperasian dan personil bagian mesin, perawatan dan
perbaikan semua permesinan dan peralatan yang ada di kapal. Hal ini termasuk
merencanakan dan menjadwal pekerjaaan yang akan dilakukan oleh personil bagian
mesin dan memastikan bahwa semua pekerjaan yang dikerjakan telah selesai dengan
aman dan layak. Chief Engineer juga harus menunjuk orang untuk pekerjaan khusus
yang terinci, seperti kontrol dan manajemen permesinan, peralatan, stores,
spare parts, alat alat dan kertas kerja. Hal ini juga termasuk pengoperasian
yang efisien, perawatan dan perbaikan semua permesinan dan peralatan elektrikal
termasuk pompa, valve, pipa, permesinan deck, pengaturan penutupan palka secara
mekanikal, mesin pendingin, dapur dan peralatan lainnya yang telah ditentukan.
Tanggung jawab dalam hal permesinan di deck dan pengaturan tutup palka secara
mekanikal berkoordinasi dengan Chief Mate. Chief Engineer harus mengawasi
sendiri semua penkerjaan yang berasal dari ancaman alam yang tidak normal dna
harus melihat bahwa semua antisipasi keselamatan telah dilakukan.
5.The Chief Engineer is responsible for the close
supervision of the activities of the engine room department. The Chief Engineer
shall see that MT. SC 3 is informed regarding the following:
5.Chief Engineer bertanggung
jawab untuk pengawasan melekat dari aktifitas di bagian mesin. Chief enginner
harus memahami bahwa MT. SC 3 telah diberitahu mengenai hal berikut:
- Conduct and ability of engine room department personnel.
- Consumption and stock on hand of fuel oil and lubricants.
- Condition of main propulsion and auxiliaries including past performance, repairs required, and the stock and consumption of engine room department spare parts.
- Condition of boilers, boiler water and treatment required.
- Tingkah laku dan kemampuan personil bagian mesin.
- Pemakaian dan persediaan bahan bakar dan pelumas.
- Kondisi mesin induk dan mesin bantu termasuk kinerja terdahulu, perbaikan yang dibutuhkan, persediaan dan pemakaian spare parts bagian mesin.
- Kondisi boiler, air boiler dan perawatan yang dibutuhkan.
Chief Engineer is responsible for the upkeep of all technical equipment,
manuals and instructions, including technical instruction books and drawings,
in good working order. When any such items are found to be in need of renewal or replacement, or require repair which is
beyond the skills of the ship’s personnel, The Chief Engineer must notify the
Master and MT. SC 3. Manuals dealing with the operation and
maintenance of machinery and boilers are supplied to all ships in the Company
fleet and it is of paramount importance that these are studied by all Engineer
Officers to ensure correct operation and maintenance of the installed equipment
Any relevant instructions relating to machinery and boilers given MT. SC 3’s procedures are complementary to those given by the manufacturers.
Should there be any conflict between these procedures and those given in makers
or suppliers handbooks it must be reported to the Company in writing by the
Chief Engineer, in order that clarification may be determined.
7.The Chief Engineer is responsible for the control
and management of the ship's stocks of fuel oil, lube oil, stores, and spare
gear. He/she shall make regular reports as required to the Master regarding the
consumption and quantities remaining on board. He/she must pay particular
attention to the consumption of fuel, lube oils and spare gear and take prompt
steps to remedy any abnormal consumption. In this connection, the Chief
Engineer is to notify the Master and MT.SC 3 of any corrective steps
that he/she takes for record and future reference.
7.Chief Engineer bertanggung
jawab untuk pengontrolan dan manajemen persediaan bahan bakar kapal, minyak
pelumas, stores, dan spare parts. Dia harus membuat laporan tetap sebagaimana
dibutuhkan kepada Master mengenai pemakaian dan jumlah yang tersisa diatas
kapal. Dia harus memberikan perhatian khusus untuk pemakaian bahan bakar,
pelumas dan spare parts and harus mengambil tindakan cepat untuk mengatasi
pemakaian yang tidak normal. Dalam kaitan ini, Chief Engineer harus memberitahu
kepada Master dan MT. SC 3 tentang langkah perbaikan apa yang telah
diambilnya untuk dicatat dan referensi dimasa depan.
8. The Chief Engineer is responsible for ensuring that
all items subject to Classification Society surveys or other official
inspectorates are maintained in good order and are always ready to meet with
surveyor's approval. When major defects are found in equipment falling into
this category the Chief Engineer is to ensure that remedial action is promptly
implemented by ship’s personnel when possible or with the aid of outside
assistance. Such defects and the remedial work undertaken are to be reported to
MT. SC 3 through the Master.
8. Chief Engineer bertanggung
jawab untuk memastikan semua hal terkait dengan survey dari badan klasifikasi
atau pemeriksa resmi telah direwat dengan baik dan selalu siap untuk
mendapatkan persetujuan dari surveyor. Jika ditemukan kekurangan yang besar
yang termasuk dalam kategori peralatan , Chief Engineer harus memastikan untuk
melakukan tindakan perbaikan dengan segera yang dilakukan oleh awak kapal jika
memungkinkan atau dengan bantuan pihak luar. Kekurangan dan tindakan perbaikan
tersebut harus dilaporkan ke MT. SC 3 melalui Master.
9.The Chief Engineer is responsible for the
preparation of repair lists for major repair periods and dry-docking. These are
to be submitted to MT. SC 3 for approval in good time and must
include work which is to be carried out by ship’s personnel during the repair
lay-up period. On the satisfactory completion of repairs, the Chief Engineer is
to sign the contractors documents accordingly.
9.Chief Engineer bertanggung
jawab untuk menyiapkan daftar perbaikan untuk masa perbaikan besar dan
dry-docking. Daftar tersebut harus diserahkan ke MT. SC 3 untuk
persetujuan dalam waktu yang cukup dan harus termasuk pekerjaan yang dilakukan
oleh awak kapal selama masa perbaikan. Setelah selesai perbaikan dengan
memuaskan, Chief Engineer harus serta merta menanda tangani dokumen dari pihak
Chief Engineer is responsible for the prompt notification to the Master of any
emergencies which occur in the machinery spaces or any other area under his
control. In cases of emergency, such as fire or explosion,
stranding, collision, or flooding of the engine room, The Chief Engineer is to
provide the Master, or the Bridge, with a status report and commence damage
limitation actions as soon as possible.
10.Chief Engineer bertanggung
jawab untuk memberitahu dengan segera kepada Master tentang keadaan darurat
yang terjadi pada ruang mesin atau daerah lainnya yang ada dalam kekuasaannya.
Dalam hal keadaan darurat, seperti kebakaran atau ledakan, kandas, tubrukan
atau banjir di kamar mesin, Chief Engineer harus melaporkan kepada Master atau
Bridge, tentang laporan keadaan dan tindakan untuk mengurangi kerusakan yang
terjadi dengan segera.
11.The Chief Engineer is responsible for the proper
preparation and timely submission of all correspondence, reports and records
relating to the engine room department. All such correspondence and reports
must be submitted through, and be countersigned, by the Master. This includes
the preparation of particulars for that part of the voyage report relating to engine
operation and at sea the preparation of the daily fuel and water production
report to the Master.
11. Chief Engineer bertanggung
jawab dalam persiapan yang memadai dan pengajuan yang tepat waktu dari semua
korespondensi, laporan dan catatan yang berkaitan dengan seluruh bagian mesin
Semua korespondensi dan laporan tersebut harus diserahkan melalui dan ditanda
tangani, oleh Master. Hal tersebut termasuk persiapan dari bagian – bagian
untuk bagian dari voyage report menyangkut operasi mesin dan persiapan bahan
bakar harian selama di laut serta laporan pembuatan air ke Master.
Chief Engineer is responsible for the custody and maintenance of engine room
department files which shall contain blueprints, manufacturer's instructions
and records pertaining to machinery and equipment, and copies of all
correspondence and reports pertaining to the engine room department.
12. Chief Engineer bertanggung
jawab untuk merawat dan perawat file untuk bagian mesin yang mungkin berupa
blueprints, instruksi pembuat dan catatan yang menyangkut permesinan dan
peralatan, dan salinan dari semua korespondensi dan laporan yang menyangkut
bagian mesin.
13. The Chief Engineer is responsible for making
frequent inspections of machinery spaces to ensure proper operation of
machinery, and to see that watchkeeping personnel are attentive to their
duties, and for making such inspections of the vessel with the Master as may be
13.Chief Engineer bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan
pemeriksaan secara berkala di kamar mesin untuk memastikan pengoperasian yang
layak dari mesin kapal, dan untuk melihat apakah personil jaga melaksanakan
tugasnya, dan melakukan pemeriksaan kapal yang diminta oleh Master.
14.The Chief Engineer is responsible for supervising
the training and evaluation of engine personnel and regularly submitting his
reports of staff training and staff assessment through the Master and to MT.
SC 3.
14. Chief Engineer bertanggung
jawab untuk pengawasan pelatihan dan penilaiandari personil mesin dan secara
berkala melaporkan kepada staff pelatihan dan penilaian melalui Master dan ke MT. SC 3.
15. The Chief Engineer, upon joining a vessel shall
report to the Master. Handover from one Chief Engineer to the other is carried
out as per QPRO-4.01
“Officer’s Handover Procedure”, which is located in the Quality Procedures
15. Chief Engineer, ketika
naik ke kapal harus melapor kepada Master. Serah terima dari satu Chief
Engineer ke yang lain dilakukan menurut QPRO-4.01
“Officer’s Handover Procedure”, yang ada dalam Quality Procedures Manual.
16.Before departure from port the Chief Engineer shall
ensure that the engine room department is adequately manned, stored and
equipped, that the vessel has on board sufficient bunkers, water and lubricants
for the projected voyage, and that those parts of the vessel under the
jurisdiction of the engine room department are secured for sea. The Chief
Engineer shall, in consultation with the Master, determine in advance the needs
of the intended voyage taking into account the requirements for fuel, water,
lubricants, chemicals, expendable and other spare parts, tools, supplies and
any other requirements.
16.Sebelum berangkat dari
pelabuhan, Chief engineer harus memastikan bahwa bagian mesin telah diatur
dengan baik, tersimpan dan lengkap, bahwa kapal telah memiliki bunker yang
cukup, air dan pelumas untuk pelayaran yang akan dijalani, dan bagian bagian
dari kapal yang merupakan tanggung jawab bagian mesin telah aman untuk melaut.
Chief Engineer harus, dengan konsultasi dengan Master, menentukan terlebih
dahulu kebutuhan akan bahan bakar, air, pelumas, bahan kimia, pemakaian dan
spare parts lainnya, alat, kebutuhan dan permintaan lainnya untuk pelayaran
yang dimaksud.
17.When maneuvering in close waters, docking or
undocking and when the Master has called for a stand-by condition, the Chief
Engineer shall be in the machinery spaces in close proximity to the maneuvering
position and in communication with the bridge to be readily available in case
of emergency. On long stand-by’s the Chief Engineer may delegate his duty to
the First Engineer for suitable intervals in order to obtain the necessary
17.Ketika berolah gerak
diperairan padat, docking atau undocking dan ketika Master memanggil untuk
situasi stand by, chief engineer harus berada di kamar mesin yang cukup dekat
dengan posisi olah gerak dan dalam berkomunikasi dengan bridge harus siap untuk
keadaan darurat. Bilamana stand-by yang cukup lama, Chief Engineer dapat
mendelegasikan tugasnya kepada First Engineer untuk jangka waktu yang cukup
untuk dapat beristirahat dengan cukup.
18. When an Electrician is not carried, the
responsibility for the proper functioning of electrical equipment will be the
responsibility of the Chief Engineer who will delegate this work, normally to
the Third Engineer.
18.Jika tidak terdapat Electrician, tanggung jawab
untuk kelayakan fungsi dari peralatan electrikal menjadi tanggung jawab Chief
Engineer yang akan mendelegasikan pekerjaan, biasanya ke Third Engineer.
Chief Engineer is responsible for seeing that the galley ranges, oven, steam or
electric warmers, laundry machinery and all other domestic machinery and
equipment are maintained
in a good operating and in addition, the Chief Engineer will make periodic
19.Chief Engineer bertanggung jawab untuk mengetahui
bahwa kompor dapur, oven, pemanas listrik danuap, mesin laundry dan mesin
yangada sisana dalam kondisi baik dan terawat dan sebagai tambahan, Chief Engineer akan melakukan pemeriksaan berkala.
20. Semua awak kapal
bertanggung jawab untuk mengidentifikasi bahaya. Bila dimungkinkan bahaya
tersebut harus segera ditanggulangi dan semua kejadian dicatat dalam hazard
log. Semua kejadian dan near misses harus dicatat dalam hazard log.
21. The incumbent shall at all times comply with MT.
SC 3's requirement for minimum Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
21.Pemegang jabatan harus
selalu mematuhi persyaratan MT. SC 3 untuk minimum Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE).
22. All crew members shall actively participate in MT.
SC 3's Health and Safety Management and Environmental Protection
22.Semua crew harus
berpartisipasi aktif dalam program MT. SC 3's Health and Safety Management
and Environmental Protection.
23.All crew shall participate in the vessel’s emergency
gear testing rounds as required by the Master.
23.Semua crew harus berpartisipasi dalam pengujian
pengoperasian emergency steering gear kapal bilamana diperintahkan oleh Master.
Chief Engineer will issue standing orders. After joining a vessel and prior to
standing their first watch, all engineers shall read the Standing Orders for
engineer watch officers, and they shall then sign their names below the
Standing Orders to signify that they have read the Standing Orders, agree with
their content and fully understand what is required of them. Standing Orders
shall be made available to all engine room watch officers.
24. Chief Engineer akan
menerbitkan standing order. Setelah naik ke kapal dan setelah melakukan jaga
pertama kali, semua engineer harus membaca standing order untuk Engineer jaga,
dan kemudian mereka harus membubuhkan tanda tangannya dibawah Standing Order
tersebut untuk menandakan bahwa mereka telah membaca Standing Order dan
mengerti dengan yang dibutuhkan. Standing Order harus dibuat untuk semua
Engineer jaga.
The incumbent is
authorized to initiate action, identify and record problems, recommend and
implement solutions to ensure non-conformances are corrected. This will be
achieved through document QPRO-1.06
“Corrective and Preventive Action”, which is located in MT. SC 3’s
Quality Procedures Manual.
Pemegang jabatan memiliki authoritas untuk melakukan tindakan dini,
mengidentifikasi dan mencatan permasalahan, menyarankan dan melaksanakan
pemecahan untuk memastikan non-conformities telah diperbaiki. Hal tersebut akan
dicapai melalui dokumen QPRO-1.06
“Corrective and Preventive Action”, yang ada dalam MT.
SC 3’s Quality Procedures Manual.