Reports To:
Marine Superintendent
Melapor Kepada:
Marine Superintendent
In all cases the minimum
qualifications for this position will be in accordance with the relevant
section of the STCW, Seagoing Qualifications, as issued and amended by the
International Maritime.
Keahlian minimum
untuk jabatan ini harus memenuhi syarat STCW, Seagoing
Qualifications, sesuai peraturan dari International Maritime
1 Responsibility
1.1 Master has the overriding
authority and the responsibility to make decisions with respect to safety and
pollution prevention and to request company’s assistance as may be necessary.
Tanggung Jawab:
1. Tanggung Jawab
1.1 Nahkoda memiliki
kewenangan tertinggi dan bertanggung jawab untuk membuat keputusan
berkenaan dengan keselamatan dan pencegahan
polusi serta meminta bantuan perusahaan bila diperlukan.
1.2 The Master is in sole
command of the vessel and has supreme authority in the decision making process
on board. Therefore the Master must understand that the information given in
these regulations is not to be construed as in any way relieving him of his
full responsibility for the safe navigation of the ship and the efficient
organization on board.
1.2 Nahkoda adalah
pemimpin dan pembuat keputusan diatas kapal. Oleh karena
itu, Nahkoda harus memahami bahwa dia bertanggung jawab
penuh untuk organisasi yang efisien dan navigasi yang aman.
1.3 The Master is fully
responsible for the safety of life on board and for the ship and cargo. Should
an emergency situation develop, the Master must take such immediate action as
He considers necessary, and keep the Company informed of the situation. The
Master is responsible for ensuring that before proceeding to sea the ship is
fully equipped and safe for the intended voyage. The requirements as regards
stability, ballasting and stowage of cargo shall receive his careful attention.
Before proceeding on a voyage He shall be aware of the requirement and
restrictions of the various ports of call and to generally anticipate
information required on all matters connected with the voyage eg charts,
publications etc. The Master shall verify his acceptance of cargo and stability
plans by signing and dating the plans prior to commencement of cargo
1.3 Nahkoda bertanggung
jawab atas keselamatan jiwa, kapal, dan muatan. Bila
terjadi keadaan darurat, Nahkoda harus segera
bertindak dan memberitahu Perusahaan menyangkut situasi
itu. Nahkoda bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa
sebelum berlayar, kapal sudah diperlengkapi dan
aman. Peraturan mengenai stabilitas, ballast,
serta penyimpanan muatan wajib mendapat perhatian
khusus. Nahkoda mengetahui peraturan dan larangan dari berbagai
pelabuhan serta informasi lain, misalnya tabel, pamplet,
dsb, sebelum berlayar. Nahkoda menandatangani dan memberi
tanggal pada rencana sebelum operasi muatan dimulai.
1.4 The Master is responsible
for the maintenance of discipline and administration of matters relating to the
appropriate Indonesian and International Regulations.
1.4 Nahkoda bertanggung
jawab terhadap administrasi dan disiplin berkenaan
dengan Perundangan Indonesia dan Internasional.
1.5 The Master is responsible
for ensuring that the vessel is in seaworthy condition in all respects,
especially with regard to stability, trim and stress.
1.5 Nahkoda bertanggung jawab
untuk memastikan bahwa kapal dalam kondisi laik laut, terutama
stabilitas, trim dan stress.
1.6 The Master is responsible
for ensuring that all Deck Officers are fully familiar with the location and
operation of all Bridge controls and equipment before they assume
responsibility for a Bridge Watch.
1.6 Nahkoda bertanggung jawab
untuk memastikan bahwa semua Perwira dek mengerti letak
dan pengoperasian semua perlengkapa dan Kendali anjungan sebelum mereka bertugas untuk tugas
jaga anjungan.
1.7 As Chairperson of the
Shipboard Management Committee, the Master shall exercise overall control and
guidance to ensure the efficient maintenance and operation of the ship and the
overall welfare, discipline and training of the Ship's Company.
1.7 Sebagai Ketua dari
Komite Manajemen Kapal, Nahkoda wajib melakukan pengawasan
dan pengarahan untuk memastikan pemeliharaan dan pengoperasian kapal
yang efisien serta keselamatan, disiplin,dan pelatihan dari Kapal Perusahaan.
1.8 The Master (or his
representative) shall chair the monthly Safety Meeting. The Master shall
be the Local Document Controller and Quality Control Officer in accordance
with QPRO- 1.03 “Maintenance of Quality Records” and QPRO-1.02 “Local
Document Control”.
1.8 Nahkoda (atau
wakilnya) wajib memimpin pertemuan bulanan
tentang Keselamatan. Nahkoda wajib berperan sebagai Local
Document Controller dan Quality Control Officer sesuai dengan QPRO-
1.03 "Maintenance of Quality Records " dan QPRO-1.02
" Local Document Control ".
2 Change of Command
When a change of command takes place
the Master must hand all papers and documents concerning the ship's business to
his successor. The Masters Handover Checklist (SMD-001) shall be completed and
dispatched as listed at the bottom of the form. Both the relieved Master and
the relieving Master are to sign the form.
2 Pergantian Pemimpin
Ketika terjadi pergantian
pemimpin, Nahkoda harus menyerahkan semua berkas dan
dokumen yang menyangkut urusan kapal kepada
penggantinya. Formulir Masters Handover Checklist (SMD-001) wajib diisi oleh
Nahkoda dan penggantinya.
3 Standing Orders
3.1 On taking over command, the
Master shall record his own Standing Orders which shall be framed within the
spirit of these Regulations. The Master is entitled to vary responsibilities
and duties on board to meet any exceptional circumstances.
3 Standing order
3.1 Pada saat mengambil
alih kepemimpinan, Nahkoda wajib mencatat Standing order-nya
sendiri sesuai dengan peraturan ini. Nahkoda dihadapkan pada
tugas dan tanggung jawab dalam kondisi apapun.
3.2 The Master shall maintain
his own written Night Orders pertaining to the efficient keeping of Bridge
watches, both at sea and at anchor. The latter are to contain precise
instructions as to the requirements of the ship's intended passage during the
night, if at sea, and the safe operation and handling of the ship during that
period. Deck Officers, on taking over the Bridge, should read, and initial as
having understood, these night orders.
3.2 Nahkoda wajib melakukan Standing
order sesuai dengan pengawasan anjungan yang efisien,
baik diatas kapal dan di jangkar. Perintah ini memuat
instruksi menyangkut kebutuhan dari pelayaran sepanjang malam yang
direncanharus, serta operasi dan penanganan kapal yang aman selama periode
itu. Perwira dek perlu membaca dan memahami standing
order ini saat mengambil alih anjungan.
4 Navigation
4.1 The Master is responsible
for the safe navigation of the ship which, at all times, shall be in accordance
with the recommendations contained in the ICS publication, "Bridge
Procedures Guide". To carry this out successfully He must at all times be
fully fit in all respects. Should the Master, for any reason, be unable to
carry out his duties He must hand over command of the vessel to the Chief Mate.
In this event an entry to this effect shall be made in the Official Log Book
and MT. SC 3 ( sample ) must be informed accordingly. The Chief
Mate is the Master's deputy on board when the Master is ashore.
4 Navigasi
4.1 Nahkoda bertanggung
jawab setiap saat untuk navigasi kapal
yang aman sesuai ICS, " Bridge Procedures Guide ". Bila Nahkoda tidak
mampu melakukan tugasnya karena
alasan tertentu, maka kepemimpinan kapal harus
diserahkan kepada Mualim Satu. Peristiwa ini ditulis
dalam Official Log Book dan DC harus tahu mengenai hal
tersebut. Mualim Satu adalah wakil Nahkoda diatas
kapal saat Nahkoda berada di darat.
4.2 In planning a forthcoming
passage the Master shall endeavor to make the swiftest passage possible taking
into account the safety of the vessel and in particular:
4.2 Nahkoda membuat
rencana pelayaran yang paling cepat namun tetap memperhitungkan
keselamatan kapal, khususnya:-
(a) (i) That the vessel's
Passage Plan has been developed in accordance with the ICS
publication, "Bridge Procedures Guide".
(ii) The Master shall verify his
confirmation of the passage plan by signing and dating the plan prior to
commencement of the voyage.
(a) (i) Rencana
pelayaran kapal dilakukan sesuai ICS, "Bridge Procedures
Nahkoda mengkonfirmasi rencana pelayaran dengan menandatangani
dan memberi tanggal rencana sebelum pelayaran dimulai.
(b) That the Bridge Team is to
practice "berth to berth" navigation techniques and that all courses
in pilotage waters are to be marked clearly on the applicable charts.
(b) Tim Anjungan wajib
melatih teknik navigasi" berth to berth” dan
semua lintasan di dalam daerah pemanduan ditandai
dengan jelas pada tabel.
(c) That full use is made of
all electronic navigation aids including map drawing facilities, where fitted,
and the use of radar overlays for parallel indexing.
(c) Alat navigasi elektronik
digunakan secara maksimal termasuk fasilitas
gambar peta dan penggunaan radar pedoman paralel.
(d) Adequate clearance of all
dangers to navigation.
(d) Pemeriksaan bahaya terhadap navigasi.
(e) Anticipated weather
(e) Antisipasi Cuaca.
4.3 The Master On The Bridge
Although the Master is responsible
for the safe operation and navigation of the vessel at all times, it must be
appreciated that conditions may arise when fatigue, due to long hours spent on
duty and particularly on the bridge, will cause a reduction in the Master’s
alertness and efficiency. The Master must therefore, endeavor to plan his
activities in line with his perceived workload and with periods of high
priority and should , when appropriate, endeavor to delegate some of his
responsibilities to the Chief Mate as necessary to allow himself adequate rest.
4.3 Nahkoda di
Walau Nahkoda
jawab terhadap navigasi dan pengoperasian kapal yang
aman, ada saatnya Nahkoda mengalami kelelahan karena
bertugas terus-menerus sehingga mengurangi kesiap siagaan dan
efisiensinya. Nahkoda harus membuat rencana
kegiatan dan memberikan sebagian dari tugasnya kepada Mualim
Satu agar bisa beristirahat dengan cukup.
The Master must be on the bridge at
the following times:
harus berada anjungan pada saat:
(a) Whenever required by the officer
of the watch.
(a) Setiap saat bila dibutuhkan perwira
(b) In periods of reduced
(b) Ketika
jarak tampak kabur.
(c) Entering or leaving port,
docking or undocking, shifting ship, or in pilotage waters.
(c) Memasuki
atau meninggalkan pelabuhan, masuk atau keluar dok, perpindahan
kapal, atau dalam daerah pemanduan.
(d) While navigating restricted
waters; and in vessel separation routes.
(d) Saat berada
di perairan terbatas atau rute kapal yang terpisah
(e) When the projected course of the
vessel passes through the vicinity of shoals, outlying rocks or other
navigational hazards.
(e) Saat jalur
yang direncanakan harus melewati karang atau ancaman bahaya
(f) When making a landfall.
(f) Saat melakukan
(g) When there is heavy traffic in
the vicinity.
(g) Saat lalu
lintas ramai.
(h) During heavy weather conditions,
and at other times when conditions are judged to be a potential threat to the
safety of the vessel, personnel or cargo.
(h) Selama
kondisi cuaca berpotensi mengancam keselamatan kapal, personil atau
(i) When any of the vessel’s
propulsion or navigation equipment is malfunctioning or suspected to be
The Master must keep the bridge
watch officer advised of his whereabouts at all times when the vessel is at
(i) Saat mesin
pendorong kapal atau perlengkapan navigasi rusak
atau tidak berfungsi dengan baik.
Nahkoda harus selalu memberitahukan
posisinya kepada perwira saat kapal berada di laut.
4.4 The Master shall observe
present and forecast weather conditions closely at all times and shall, if
necessary, alter course and/or speed to avoid weather that might damage the
vessel or endanger those on board. The Master shall require the Radio Officer
to obtain all available pertinent weather reports. A close study of this
information is to be made with local weather conditions as observed on the
vessel, in order that the track of approaching storms or dangerous conditions
may be determined and avoided if deemed advisable.
4.4 Nahkoda wajib mengetahui ramalan cuaca dan mengubah jalur atau kecepatan
untuk menghindari cuaca yang
mungkin merusak kapal dan membahayharus jiwa diatas
kapal. Nahkoda wajib memerintahkan perwira radio
untuk melaporkan semua laporan cuaca. Kesimpulan dari
informasi disesuaikan dengan kondisi cuaca agar jalur
dimana harus terjadi badai atau kondisi
berbahaya dapat dihindari.
4.5 Large Waves Due To Wind And
Current Effects
Masters must consider the effect on
sea conditions when winds are contrary to currents. When conditions are
conducive to the formation of such waves, immediate action must be taken to
take the ship out of the flow of the current.
4.5 Ombak
Besar Karena Efek Angin Dan Arus
Nahkoda harus
mempertimbangkan kondisi
laut pada saat angin berlawanan dengan arus. Kapal harus
segera dibawa keluar dari aliran arus ketika ombak belum
4.6 Weather Routing
It is common for Charterer’s to make
use of weather routing services for ocean passages. The Master is however,
always at liberty to disregard advice received from a weather routing service
if, in his judgment, the proposed route is not considered to be prudent. The
use of these services does not relieve the Master of the normal responsibility
for safe navigation, nor does it permit discontinuation of the reception and
analysis of normal weather reports. Details of available weather routing
services are contained in Company standing instructions. When planning the
route of any passage, all relevant seasonal constraints should be considered.
If it is considered necessary for a particular passage, the Company will
arrange for commercial Weather Routing services.
4.6 Weather
pencarter biasa menggunakan jasa Weather Routing untuk pelayaran samudra, tetapi Nahkoda
bebas untuk tidak menuruti jalur yang disarankan Weather Routing bila tidak
sesuai dengan rencana. Penggunaan jasa ini tidak
membebaskan Nahkoda dari tanggung jawab harus navigasi yang
aman, atau menolak menggunharus analisa dan laporan cuaca.
Rincian dari jasa Weather Routing terdapat dalam instruksi
perusahaan. Ketika merencanharus rute pelayaran apapun,
semua batasan musiman yang berkaitan harus dipertimbangkan.
Jika dianggap penting bagi pelayaran tertentu,
perusahaan wajib menggunharus jasa Weather Routing komersil.
5 Safety
The Master shall ensure that all
required safety and fire fighting equipment on board the vessel is maintained
in good working order, that the crew members are fully aware of (and capable of
carrying out) their duties, particularly in emergency situations and that each
crew member has easy access to the instructions contained in the vessel’s SOLAS
and Safety and Emergency Procedures manuals. He shall ensure that the first aid
and medical lockers are adequately maintained.
5 Keselamatan
Nahkoda wajib memastikan
bahwa semua perlengkapan keselamatan dan pemadam
kebakaran berada diatas kapal dan terpelihara dengan baik.
Kru harus tahu cara
mengoperasikan perlengkapan tersebut terutama saat keadaan
darurat sesuai instruksi SOLAS dan Manual Prosedur Darurat. Nahkoda
harus memastikan perlengkapan pertolongan pertama dan loker medikal
terpelihara dengan baik.
6 Stability
The Master shall ensure that the
vessel proceeds to sea in a stable condition with the Load Line Rules adhered
to. Particular attention shall be paid to slack tanks and the distribution of
heavy weights. All movable items of equipment must be securely lashed.
6 Kestabilan
Nahkoda wajib memastikan
bahwa kapal dalam kondisi stabil sesuai Peraturan Load
Line. Tangki yang kendor dan barang berat harus diperhatikan.
Semua perlengkapan yang mudah bergerak harus diberi pemberat.
7 Performance
The Master shall ensure that the
vessel performs to the satisfaction of MT. SC 3 and He shall render
all possible assistance to MT. SC 3's Representatives.
7 Kinerja
Nahkoda wajib menjamin bahwa kinerja kapal memuaskan MT.
SC 3 dan membantu perwakilan dari MT. SC 3.
8 Documentation
The Master shall ensure that:
1) All charts, books of Sailing
Directions, Light Lists, compass deviation curve card etc. are on board and
kept up to date.
2) All Log Books and records
required by statute, and MT. SC 3 Rules and Regulations are properly
3) All reports as required by law or
Company instruction are prepared and submitted
4) Radio records and accounts as
required by law or Company instruction are maintained.
Nahkoda wajib memastikan
1) Semua
tabel, buku Arah Pelayaran, Daftar Lampu, kartu kompas garis
deviasi, dan sebagainya, diatas kapal dan selalu
2) Pemeliharaan
semua Log Book, arsip, peraturan dan timlasi MT. SC 3.
3) Semua
laporan harus disiapkan dan diserahkan.
4) Pemeliharaan
semua rekaman radio dan rekening.
9 Government Notices, Company
and Port Management Circulars, etc
The Master shall receive all
government and MT. SC 3 Notices, Circulars and other Notifications or
Instructions issued by MT. SC 3 and ensure that they are closely
studied, their contents noted and communicated to the crew, where necessary,
and adhered to. All such notices must be carefully filed on board for future
Upon change of Master the files
shall be handed over and an appropriate entry shall be made in the Official Log
9 Pengumuman Pemerintah, surat
edaran Manajemen Perusahaan dan pelabuhan, dan sebagainya.
menerima semua pengumuman dari pemerintah dan MT. SC 3, surat edaran, dan pemberitahuan serta instruksi dari MT. SC 3. Nahkoda harus mengerti isi dari pemberitahuan itu dan
memberitahukannya kepada kru. Semua surat pemberitahuan harus
disimpan diatas kapal sebagai referensi.
Saat pergantian Nahkoda, semua
arsip wajib diserahkan dan dicatat dalam Official Log Book.
10 Accident, Collision and
10 Kecelakaan, Tubrukan dan Penyelamatan
10.1 The Master must appreciate
the serious nature of the responsibilities imposed upon him by International
Law. However, in the event of a collision or casualty, or of salvage or other
services rendered to, or by, his ship, the Master must immediately after the
occurrence, inform MT. SC 3 by the quickest means possible, ie. Satcom,
telex, telephone, etc. giving brief details of the incident. He must then
forward a report in accordance with the requirements laid down in MT. SC
3's Shipboard Contingency Plan and Reporting Procedure. If a collision
occurs the Master must communicate with the Master of the other vessel, by the
most practical means available in the circumstances, holding him and his Owners
responsible for the accident. He must endeavor to obtain at least a reply to
this communication.
Nahkoda harus menyadari tanggung jawabnya dihadapan Hukum
Internasional. Bila terjadi kecelakaan, tabrharus, atau
penyelamatan, Nahkoda harus segera memberitahu MT. SC
3 untuk menceritakan kecelakaan tersebut. Setelah itu Nahkoda
memberikan laporan sesuai peraturan MT. SC 3 Shipboard Contingency
Plan and Reporting Procedure. Jika terjadi tabrharus, Nahkoda
harus berkomunikasi dengan Nahkoda dari kapal lain dan meminta
pertanggung jawaban. Nahkoda paling tidak harus berusaha untuk mendapat
jawaban balasan.
10.2 In the event of an
accident or breakdown, the Master has the absolute authority to engage any
assistance necessary to protect the vessel, her crew, cargo and the
environment. In situations of danger, where immediate assistance is required,
such help shall be obtained, where possible, by agreement to Lloyd's Standard
Form of Salvage Agreement 2000 (LOF 2000).
In the event that potential Salvers
are unwilling to accept LOF 2000, the Master has authority to agree any basis
of assistance necessary to avert immediate danger. If time and circumstances
permit, reference shall be made to MT. SC 3, providing always that this
does not delay the taking of such immediate action as is necessary to protect
the vessel, her crew, cargo and environment.
An entry must be recorded in the
Official Log Book concerning any such agreement made.
10.2 Bila
terjadi kecelakaan atau gangguan, Nahkoda berwenang untuk melakukan
apapun demi keselamatan kapal, kru, muatan dan
lingkungan. Bantuan harus diberikan sesegera mungkin
sesuai Lloyd's Standard Form of Salvage Agreement 2000 (LOF 2000).
Seandainya para
penyelamat tidak mau mematuhi LOF 2000, Nahkoda memiliki
wewenang untuk menerima bantuan apapun untuk
mencegah terjadinya bahaya. Jika memungkinkan, MT. SC
3 wajib diberitahu bahwa penyelamatan harus dilakukan demi
keselamatan kapal, kru, muatan, dan lingkungan.
ini harus dicatat di Official Log Book karena ada
beberapa perjanjian yang dibuat.
10.3 In the case of an accident
to the ship, which requires her to proceed to a port of refuge, MT. SC 3 shall be informed using the quickest means of communication, i.e.
Satcom, telex, telephone, etc. giving particulars of the damage sustained.
Subject to any instructions from MT. SC 3 the Master shall
call a survey and note protest. In any case, a certificate stating that the
ship is seaworthy must be obtained before proceeding on the voyage.
10.3 Bila kapal harus
berlabuh dan
diperbaiki karena mengalami kecelakaan, MT. SC 3 wajib
diberitahu mengenai kerusharus yang terjadi. Nahkoda harus
melakukan survei dan melayangkan surat protes bila tidak
setuju dengan instruksi dari MT. SC 3. Sertifikat laik
laut harus dimiliki sebelum melanjutkan pelayaran.
10.4 Depositions before any
Governmental Official following a casualty or accident need great care to
ensure that no material facts are omitted, nor anything incorrectly stated.
10.4 Pernyataan
dari Pejabat Pemerintah mengenai kecelakaan atau korban harus
diperiksa untuk memastikan bahwa fakta tidak dihilangkan, atau
ada kesaksian yang tidak benar.
10.5 In all cases where the
ship encounters heavy weather or suffers an accident of any kind, no matter how
minor, the Master shall note protest in accordance with the instructions of the
vessel's Owners.
10.5 Dalam
keadaan ketika kapal menghadapi cuaca yang
buruk atau mengalami
kecelakaan, Nahkoda wajib memberitahukan hal tersebut.
10.6 In all cases where damage
has occurred, or is thought to have occurred, to the ship's structure or
machinery from any cause whatsoever including minor collision, contact or
grounding the Master shall ensure, in conjunction with the Chief Engineer
and the Chief Mate, that a full assessment is made of the situation, including
a diver's survey (if necessary).
10.6 Dalam keadaan ketika
terjadi kerusharus pada mesin atau
struktur kapal karena kontak, kandas, atau sebab
apapun, Nahkoda bersama dengan KKM dan Mualim
Satu harus segera memeriksa kerusakan.
The incident or damage must be
thoroughly investigated and a full and accurate report submitted to MT. SC
3. In carrying out this investigation it is vital that a critical assessment is
made to prove as far as possible the conclusions reached. Every statement or
measurement must be questioned to establish its accuracy, and assumptions shall
not be made unless there is substantial evidence to justify them. In the case
of contact or grounding, it should not be assumed that the damage is confined
to one part of the hull only, regular soundings and internal inspections must
be made to establish and monitor the conditions.
It should be remembered that quiet
discussion of the incident often opens up other possibilities. A plan for the
investigation must be drawn up and followed through before reporting the full
facts. In any instances of grounding or contact below the waterline MT. SC
3 shall be advised of the findings. It should be borne in mind that the
accuracy of the findings will often affect and determine the assistance of
repairs being arranged to correct the situation.
Laporan penyelidikan yang akurat
mengenai penyebab kecelakaan atau kerusharus diserahkan
kepada MT. SC 3. Pemeriksaan serinci mungkin sangatlah penting
dalam melakukan suatu penyelidikan. Setiap pernyataan
atau pengukuran harus diperiksa kembali untuk memastikan
kebenarannya, dan asumsi tidak harus dibuat jika ada
bukti kuat. Dalam kasus kontak atau kandas, kerusharus tidak
boleh dianggap hanya terjadi pada bagian lambung kapal
saja, sounding timlar dan pemeriksaan internal
harus dilakukan untuk memastikan dan memonitor kondisi.
Diskusi tentang kecelakaan sering menimbulkan berbagai
kemungkinan. Rencana untuk penyelidikan
harus dibuat dan dilaksanharus sebelum melaporkan seluruh fakta. Semua
hasil temuan penyelidikan di bawah garis air wajib
diberitahukan kepada MT. SC 3. Ketelitian dari semua
temuan sangat mempengaruhi dan menentukan dalam rencana
perbaikan kapal.
10.7 Masters should consult the
ICS/publication, "Peril at Sea and Salvage", and be guided by the
recommendations contained therein.
10.7 Nahkoda wajib mengkonsultasikan ICS/Publication,
" Peril at Sea and Salvage ", dan berpedoman pada
rekomendasi di dalamnya.
11 Assisting Ships in Distress
11 Penyelamatan
11.1 In the event of
encountering a ship which is in distress or derelict, the Master must not
overlook that his prime responsibility is the safety of his own ship and the
lives on board and undue risks must not be taken. Subject to this
consideration, He shall give all possible assistance to save life.
11.1 Ketika kapal tiba-tiba
dalam keadaan bahaya atau harus karam, Nahkoda
tidak boleh mengambil resiko yang bisa mengancam
keselamatan kapal dan kru.
If towage is requested by a vessel
in distress the Master of any MT. SC 3 ship so requested must refer
to MT. SC 3, if practicable, by the quickest means possible, ie. fax,
telex, radiotelephone etc., before making any agreement.
However, the rendering of assistance
for the saving of life is the first priority and if circumstances do not permit
such reference to MT. SC 3, the Master should reserve his own, his
Officers', his crew's and his Owners' (and Charterers' if applicable) position
in respect of salvage claims. It is likely that in any such case the Master of
the ship in Distress will request the use of Lloyd's Standard Form of agreement
(2000) and in such circumstances the Master of the MT. SC 3 vessel is
recommended to agree.
Jika suatu
kapal meminta bantuan towage,
Nahkoda harus memberitahu MT. SC 3 sebelum menyetujui untuk
membantu. Jika keadaan tidak sesuai dengan
ketentuan dari DC Shipping, maka Nahkoda harus
mengutamharus proses penyelamatan diatas kepentingan
dirinya, perwira, kru, pemilik kapal,
dan pencarter, karena menyelamatkan hidup orang
banyak adalah prioritas utama. Ada kemungkinan Nahkoda
dari kapal yang sedang dalam
bahaya harus memanfaatkan peraturan Lloyd's Standard Form
of agreement (2000) dan Nahkoda dari kapal MT. SC 3 harus
12 Pollution
12 Polusi
12.1 The Master must make a
special point of ensuring that all members of the Ship's Company are aware of
what precautions are necessary to avoid oil spillages. All Officers must
exercise the utmost care and vigilance to avoid accidental overflows in port or
at sea. Integrated Shipboard Emergency Manual contains guidance in the
Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan on what action should be taken in the
event of an oil spillage occurring.
12.1 Nahkoda
harus memastikan semua anggota dari Perusahaan Kapal
menyadari pentingnya tindharus antisipasi untuk menghindari tertumpahnya minyak.
Semua Perwira harus melatih kepedulian
dan kewaspadaannya untuk
menghindari minyak meluber di pelabuhan atau di
laut. Integrated Shipboard Emergency Manual berisi pedoman dalam
Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan mengenai
penanganan kasus tertumpahnya minyak.
12.2 All Acts and International
Conventions relating to oil pollution, or the prevention thereof, must be
strictly complied with. The Oil Record Book is to be maintained by the
Chief Engineer in accordance with International and Local Regulations
wherever the ship is operating. The Oil Record book shall be kept on board
until two years have elapsed from the date of the last entry when thereafter,
it may be disposed of.
12.2 Perundangan
dan Konvensi Internasional yang berhubungan dengan
polusi minyak dan pencegahannya harus dipatuhi. Oil
Record Book disimpan oleh KKM sesuai Peraturan Lokal
dan Internasional di mana kapal sedang beroperasi. Oil Record
Book wajib disimpan diatas kapal selama dua
tahun dimulai dari tanggal Buku tersebut disimpan.
12.3 Before commencing any
bunker operation in any port, the Chief Mate must ensure that all main deck
scuppers and discharges are securely plugged in order to prevent the escape of
oil overboard should there be a burst or overflow.
12.3 Sebelum memulai operasi
bunker di pelabuhan manapun, Mualim Satu harus memastikan bahwa
semua lubang-kuras dan pembongkar dek kapal bagian
atas sudah dipasang untuk mencegah keluarnya minyak dari
kapal yang berakibat ledharus atau tertumpah.
12.4 The Chief Engineer is
responsible for all bunkering operations and must ensure that all ship's
personnel engaged in bunkering operations are thoroughly familiar with the
ship's fuelling arrangements, including the positions of valves, overflow and
air pipes, the overflow tanks and the sounding pipes and depth indicators of
all fuel storage tanks.
12.4 KKM bertanggung
jawab untuk semua operasi pengisian bahan bakar dan memastikan bahwa
semua personil kapal berpartisipasi dan mengerti prosedur
pengisian bahan bakar, termasuk posisi klep, overflow,
dan pipa angin, tangki overflow dan pipa bunyi
dan indikator dari tangki penyimpanan bahan bakar.
12.5 Should an oil spill occur
all operations connected with the transfer of oil, whether cargo or bunkers,
shall cease, the Master or Officer in Charge must be notified immediately and
all possible immediate action taken to minimize, retain on board and cleanup
(taking due regard to any appropriate Marpol regulations) , the oil spilled.
12.5 Semua
operasi yang berhubungan dengan pemindahan minyak, termasuk muatan atau
bunker, harus dihentikan bila minyak tertumpah. Nahkoda
atau Perwira yang
berwenang harus diberitahu agar segera bertindak.
12.6 All disposal of garbage
shall comply with Marpol 73/78 Annex V and local port requirements.
12.6 Semua
pembuangan sampah harus mematuhi Marpol 73/78 Annex V
dan peraturan di pelabuhan lokal.
12.7 Particular care shall be
taken to conform to the provisions of the Clean Air Act and any local
legislation at various ports.
12.7 Ketentuan
Udara Bersih dan perundangan pada pelabuhan lokal harus dilaksanakan.
13 Reporting of Serious
Masters' letters to MT. SC
3 are not privileged and therefore, when reporting any matter of a
controversial nature, an accident involving personal injury or any occurrence
which is likely to lead to litigation, such as collision, it is essential that
all letters or reports which are sent to MT. SC 3, in addition to the
prescribed forms, are in accordance with the instructions contained within this
13 Laporan Kecelakaan Serius
surat dari Nahkoda untuk MT. SC 3 tidak memiliki
kekuatan, maka semua surat laporan kecelakaan yang dikirim
ke MT. SC 3 harus sesuai dengan instruksi di buku ini.
14 Charter Party
The Master must familiarize himself
with the terms of the Charter Party or document under which his ship may be
operating. He must be conscious both of MT. SC 3's interest and it's
commitments to the vessel's owners. He must ensure that Officers are advised as
necessary of the provisions of the Charter Party or other document covering the
employment of the ship.
14 Charter
harus mamahami isi dari Charter
Party dan mengerti kepentingan dari MT. SC 3. Ia harus
memastikan bahwa para Perwira mengerti
peraturan dari Charter Party dan dokumen
yang mengatur keperwiraan kapal.
15 Use of Main Engine
The Master must give due notice to
the Chief Engineer before requiring the use of the main engine. He
must also keep the Chief Engineer fully advised of the ship's programme to
enable him to arrange the proper maintenance of machinery.
15 Penggunaan Mesin Utama
harus memberi catatan kepada KKM sebelum
mejelaskan penggunaan dari mesin utama.
Ia juga harus menekankan program kapal kepada
KKM agar mesin dapat dipelihara dengan baik.
16 Repairs
Following completion of periodical
overhauls after repairs, the results of dock trials of all machinery, as
advised by the Chief Engineer, shall be reported to the Ship Manager
before the ship sails.
16 Perbaikan
saran dari KKM, penyelesaian akhir dari pemeriksaan
berkala setelah perbaikan harus dilaporkan kepada Manajer
Kapal sebelum kapal berlayar.
17 Watch keeping To Assist The
Chief Mate
Subject always to the overriding
considerations of safety and where geographical and weather conditions allow,
the Master is encouraged, at his own discretion, to take over some of the
purely watch keeping duties of the Chief Mate. This will allow the Chief Mate
to devote more time to the overall supervision of the crew, particularly during
periods of peak activity.
17 Tugas
Jaga untuk Membantu Mualim Satu
Satu selalu memperhitungkan keselamatan berkaitan kondisi geografis
dan cuaca. Nahkoda berinisiatif untuk mengambil alih
sebagian dari tugas Mualim Satu.
Ini harus membuat Mualim
Satu dapat lebih meluangkan waktunya mengawasi para
kru, terutama saat periode aktivitas puncak.
18 Fuel
The Master must confer with the
Chief Engineer and ensure that on departure He has sufficient fuel, with
an adequate safety margin, to reach the next port at which fuel is available.
When applicable, Charterer's instructions shall be followed in arranging
bunkering, but under no circumstances shall this override the Master's
responsibility to ensure that the ship is adequately bunkered, in accordance
with MT. SC 3 policy contained in this manual.
18 Bahan
harus berunding dengan KKM untuk memastikan bahwa bahan
bakar mencukupi untuk sampai
ke pelabuhan berikutnya. Instruksi dari pencarter wajib diikuti
tetapi Nahkoda tidak lepas dari tanggung jawab untuk
memastikan bahwa kapal telah cukup terisi bahan
bakar sesuai kebijharus MT. SC 3.
19 Ship's Speed
At all times the ship's speed is to
be controlled by the Master, subject to considerations of safety and to his
sailing instructions and on consultation with the Chief Engineer.
19 Kecepatan Kapal
Kecepatan kapal setiap
saat dikendalikan oleh Nahkoda dan harus
mempertimbangkan keselamatan dan instruksi
pelayaran serta konsultasi dengan KKM.
20 Report of Sailing
All local / international
requirements are to be complied with. eg AMVER.
20 Laporan Pelayaran
peraturan lokal / internasional harus ditaati. (misal: AMVER)
21 Change of Destination Orders
When destination orders are changed
on passage, the Master must advise MT. SC 3 of the revised
destination and ETA.
21 Perubahan Urutan Tujuan
Ketika urutan
tujuan dirubah pada saat pelayaran, Nahkoda
harus memberitahukan MT. SC 3.
22 Medical Care
The Master must advise MT.
SC 3 immediately of any suspected serious illness or injury to
persons on board, giving details of their overall condition and his
recommendations or actions regarding treatment and assistance required.
22 Perawatan Medis
harus segera memberitahu MT. SC 3 tentang segala
penyakit yang diderita awak kapal serta melakukan
tindharus yang diperlukan.
23 Hazards
All crew members aboard
the MT. SC 3 are responsible for the identification of hazards. Where
possible such hazards should be rectified immediately and in all cases recorded
in the hazard log. All incidents and near misses shall be recorded in the
hazard log.
23 Bahaya
anggota kru MT. SC 3 bertanggung jawab
untuk memeriksa adanya bahaya dan harus ditangani secepat
mungkin. Semua kecelakaan dan ancaman
kecelakaan harus dicatat dalam hazard log.
24 Personal Protective
The incumbent shall at all times
comply with MT. SC 3's requirement for minimum Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE).
24 Perlengkapan
Perlindungan Perorangan
Pejabat wajib mematuhi persyaratan
minimum MT. SC 3 mengenai Perlengkapan Perlindungan Perorangan.
25 All crew shall participate
in the vessel’s emergency gear testing rounds as required by the Master.
25 Semua kru wajib ambil
bagian dalam pengujian perlengkapan darurat kapal seperti yang
diperintahkan Nahkoda.
1. The incumbent is authorized to
initiate action, identify and record problems, recommend and implement
solutions to ensure non-conformances are corrected. This will be achieved
through document QPRO-1.06 “Corrective and Preventive Action”,
located in MT. SC 3’s Quality Procedures Manual.
1. Nahkoda diberi
hak untuk memulai tindharus identifikasi
dan mencatat permasalahan, memberi saran dan menerapkan
solusi agar segala kesalahan dapat diperbaiki. Hal
ini harus tercapai melalui dokumen QPRO-1.06 "Corrective
and Preventive Action", yang terdapat dalam Manual Prosedur
Mutu MT. SC 3.
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