Reports To:
Master, either directly or through the Chief Mate.
In all cases the minimum qualifications for this position will be in accordance with the relevant section of the STCW, Seagoing Qualifications, as issued and amended by the International Maritime Organization.
The Third Mate is responsible to the Master for proper performance and conduct as a watch-keeper and navigator. He is the Officer responsible for the safety equipment on board. If there is more than one Third Mate on board, then the Master shall designate one of them as the Officer responsible for the safety and life saving equipment. When duties involve the handling of cargo or ballast, the Third Mate is responsible to the Master through the Chief Mate.
The Third Mate is responsible to the Master for the following:
(a)For keeping a navigational watch;
(b)For keeping a cargo or deck watch in port;
(c)For the care and maintenance of the vessel's signaling equipment, including flags, lights and signal books;
(d)For the care of the bridge movement book and deck officer's log book;
(e)For the security of the wheelhouse, chartroom and navigating equipment and instruments, including binoculars and telescopes when the vessel is in port;
(f)For the care of the binoculars and telescope, wheelhouse clear view screens, wipers and sun screens;
(g)For the care and maintenance of lifesaving and fire fighting equipment as directed
(h)For the care and maintenance of the EPIRBS, SARTS and GMDSS emergency portable radios.
(i)For correction and maintenance of the lists of radio station and GMDSS publications.
The Third Mate is to cooperate with, and understudy the Second Mate in his navigational functions. With the assistance of the Chief Mate, must learn to load, distribute and discharge cargo and ballast.
3.Duties on Joining
The Third Mate, upon joining a vessel, shall report to the Master, if he is available, or, if not, to the officer in charge. The incoming Third Mate shall consult the officer he is relieving regarding the items for which he is responsible and shall, at the first opportunity, personally inspect them. Any unsatisfactory condition discovered shall be reported by the relieving officer to the Master, or in his absence, to the officer in charge.
All crew members aboard the MT. SC3 are responsible for the identification of hazards. Where possible such hazards should be rectified immediately and in all cases recorded in the hazard log. All incidents and near misses shall be recorded in the hazard log.
5.Personal Protective Equipment
The incumbent shall at all times comply with MT. SC 3’s Requirement for minimum Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
6.All crew shall participate in the vessel’s emergency gear testing rounds as required by the Master.
7.All crew shall actively participate in MT. SC 3’s Health and Safety Management Protection Programs.
The incumbent is authorized to initiate action, identify and record problems, recommend and implement solutions to ensure non-conformances are corrected. This will be achieved through document QPRO-1.06 “Corrective and Preventive Action”, located in MT.SC 3’s Quality Procedures Manual.
Terjemahan :
Melapor kepada:
Nahkoda, atau langsung atau melalui Mualim satu.
Keahlian minimum untuk jabatan harus memenuhi syarat STCW, Seagoing Qualifications, sesuai peraturan dari International Maritime Organization.
Tanggung Jawab:
1.Tanggung jawab
Mualim Tiga bertanggung jawab kepada Nahkoda untuk penampilan dan melaksanakan penjagaan dan navigasi. Dia bertanggung jawab atas perlengkapan keselamatan diatas kapal. Jika ada lebih dari satu Mualim Tiga diatas kapal, Nahkoda harus memerintahkan salah satu dari mereka bertanggung jawab atas perlengkapan keselamatan. Ketika tugasnya juga mencakup penanganan muatan atau balast, Mualim Tiga bertanggung jawab kepada Nahkoda melalui Mualim Satu.
Mualim Tiga bertanggung jawab kepada Nahkoda untuk:
(a)Menjaga jam navigasi;
(b)Pengawasan muatan atau dek di pelabuhan;
(c)Perawatan dan pemeliharaan perlengkapan isyarat kapal, termasuk bendera, lampu dan buku isyarat;
(d)Memelihara bridge movement book dan deck officer's log book;
(e)Pengamanan wheelhouse, kamar tabel, serta perlengkapan dan instrumen navigasi (termasuk teropong dan teleskop) ketika kapal di pelabuhan;
(f)Pemeliharaan teropong dan teleskop, bintang, layar wheelhouse yang bersih, penghapus dan layar matahari;
(g)Perawatan dan pemeliharaan perlengkapan keselamatan dan pemadam kebakaran;
(h)Perawatan dan pemeliharaan radio portabel darurat EPIRBS, SARTS dan GMDSS.
(i)Pemeriksaan dan pemeliharaan daftar stasiun radio serta pengumuman GMDSS
Mualim Tiga membantu Mualim Dua dan menjadi penggantinya sewaktu-waktu. Dia harus belajar dari Mualim Dua mengenai memuat, mendistribusikan dan membongkar muatan dan ballast
3.Tugas Saat Bergabung
Mualim Tiga harus melapor kepada Nahkoda atau Perwira yang berwenang ketika bergabung diatas kapal. Mualim Tiga harus berkonsultasi kepada perwira yang dia gantikan mengenai perlengkapan yang merupakan tanggung jawabnya. Segala kesalahan yang ditemukan harus dilaporkan oleh perwira yang diganti kepada Nahkoda, atau perwira lain yang sedang bertugas.
Semua kru MT. SC3 bertanggung jawab untuk memeriksa adanya bahaya dan harus ditangani secepat mungkin. Semua kecelakaan dan ancaman kecelakaan harus dicatat dalam Catatan Kecelakaan.
5.Perlengkapan Perlindungan Perorangan
Nahkoda wajib mematuhi persyaratan minimum MT. SC 3 mengenai Perlengkapan Perlindungan Perorangan.
6.Semua kru wajib ambil bagian dalam pengujian perlengkapan darurat kapal seperti yang diperintahkan Nahkoda.
7.Semua kru wajib untuk ambil bagian dalam Program Kendali Kesehatan dan Keselamatan serta Perlidungan Lingkungan dari MT. SC3.
Nahkoda diberi hak untuk memulai tindharus identifikasi dan mencatat permasalahan, memberi saran dan menerapkan solusi agar segala kesalahan dapat diperbaiki. Hal ini harus tercapai melalui dokumen QPRO-1.06 "Corrective and Preventive Action", yang terdapat dalam Manual Prosedur Mutu MT. SC3.
Contoh Manual Prosedur Mutu Kapal
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