E-Training Asuransi Maritim Diklat Peningkatan ATT 1
Soal Jawab E-Training Asuransi Maritim untuk ATT 1
1. In Marine Insurance Policy Insurable interest must exist at the time of...
- Answer: At the time of claim
2. Under the terms of the Marine Insurance Act 1906 the party possessing Contingent Interest is:
- Answer: Consignee which is a loss due to ship delay or damaged goods.
3. CTL as used in insurance stand for :
- Answer: Constructive Total Loss
4. P&I insurance provide liability coverage in the following hypothetical situations:
- Answer: If the ship causes damage to piers, docks, harbor equipment or installations.
5. A cover note is a temporary certificate of insurance issued by the Insurer before the issuance of a
- Answer: Deductable.
Asuransi maritim 2
1. The goods which can be coverage by marine insurance are.....except
- Answer: The cost to deal with marine pollution from ship
2. One of the basic principles of insurance that is not written in the policy but must be obeyed by the insured (assured) is the Principle of Indemnity. The purpose of the Principle of Indemnity is :
- Answer: The Assured is not permitted to make a profit on the Insurance
3. The assured (insured) must have an insurable interest in the policy when :
- Answer: A loss occurs.
4. When a collision occurs, what contribution to the loss does the protection and indemnity insurer (P&I ) make to the hull insurer?
- Answer: 25%
5. Notice of abandonment is the act by which the assured informs the Insurer of his decision to abandon and claim for :
- Answer: Presumed Total Loss
Asuransi maritim 3
1. Which one of the following Liability Risks not Covered by P&I Insurance :
- Answer: Liability of Increased Value Insurance.
2. Broker is Person who serves as a trusted agent that has legal expertise related to the coverage of insured from t khe prospective assured. The fee of services by broker is paid by :
- Answer: Insurer of the premium received from the assured.
3. In the case of responsibility of cargo where the carrier is responsible for carriage, the cargo owner shall take action, except :
- Answer: Make a note of protest if the carrier rejects the receipt is clean.
4. A document that contains key information regarding quantification for a hull loss that has been submitted to an insurer is a :
- Answer: Survey report.
5. The fee charged by the insurer on account of providing services is called……
- Answer: Premium.
Asuransi maritim 4
1. Cover Note is a temporary coverage of Insurance, which then by the insurer will be issued a policy. The policy is :
- Answer: The insurance agreement signed by the insurer only.
2. Core Covers in P&I for Third Party Liabilities in respect of …:except :
- Answer: Disbursement.
3. Which one of the following Liability Risks not Covered by P&I Insurance :
- Answer: Liability for Disbursement.
4. A vessel insured on Institute Time Clauses –Hulls 1/10/83 is entirely to blame when she collides with another vessel, upon which a person is killed as a result of the collision. How does the hull insurer of the offending vessel respond to the liability claim for this death? :
- Answer: Decline the claim completely.
5. Which is the following action is not General Average act when the vessel is aground in position of peril, and in order to refloat her.
- Answer: Holes are cut in the ship`s structure for this purpose.
6. Which principle suggests that insured (assured) should try to minimize the loss of his property even if it is insured? .
- Answer: Principle of indemnity.
7. Peril of the sea is a marine peril, that a ship may be damaged or destroyed because of
- Answer: Ship may be damaged or destroyed because of any sudden storm.
8. Which of the following risks covered under Institute Cargo Clauses (B) are not covered under Institute Cargo Clauses (C)
Statement A: Discharge of cargo at port of distress
Statement B: Earthquake, volcanic eruption, lightning.
- Statement B only.
9. A full laden tanker spills oil in a territory subject to the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 1992. Which principal party(ies) are liable to pay compensation?
- Answer: The vessel owner only.
10. Which is the following action is not General Average act when fire breaks out on board the ship, and in order to extinguish it is :
- Answer: The ship`s machinery broken to get at the seat fire.
Asuransi maritim 5
1. Which is the following principle in general insurance that not written in policy but must be obeyed by the Insured (Assured)? :
- Answer: Principle of legality.
2. Under the terms of the Marine Insurance Act 1906 the party possessing Feasible Interest is:
- Answer: Shipper in the form of goods rejected by the buyer due to damage or delay.
3. In what circumstances, if any, can a ship owner limit its liability?
- Answer: In negligence only.
4. Implied Condition is unwritten condition of an insurance policy which has evolved (from the basic insurance principles) that must be obeyed by the assured and , if it is not adhered to the insurance agreement is considered invalid which one of principle is not include as implied condition.
- Answer: Principle of fairness.
5. Peril on the sea is a marine peril, that a ship may be damaged or destroyed because of :
- Answer: Loss or damage caused by accident in loading, discharging or shifting cargo or fuel.
6. For Cargo Insurance which one of the following statement which written on the Insurance Policy (express warranty) is not included? :
- Answer: Warranty subject to connecting for towing must be approved by independent surveyor.
7. As per Marine Insurance Act 1906 Article 44 - 49 Deviation or Delay in prosecuting the voyage contemplated by the policy is excused are….. except :
- Answer: Where the destination is specified in the policy and the ship instead of sailing for that destination.
8. In what circumstances, if any, can a shipowner limit its liability? :
- Answer: Under statute and in negligence.
9. Which principle suggests that insured should try to minimize the loss of his property even if it is insured? :
- Answer: A. Principle of indemnity.
10. A ship owner takes positive steps to avert or minimize a loss that would otherwise be covered by its hull insurance. The expenses incurred by the ship owner in taking this action are normally recoverable under provisions relating to :
- Answer: Sue and labor.
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